How do you plan to achieve your identified outcomes? You have identified the outcomes; now it’s time to design an effective and appropriate service response with your clients and community. Consider the systems and context in which you work and actively involve clients every step of the way. The Design phase is a systematic process of gathering evidence and information on the most suitable program and service responses, determining fit (for your client group, organisation and community) and describing how proposed strategies will achieve outcomes (developing a theory of change). Remember: Trialling and monitoring strategies to see what works (and what doesn’t) for your context is good practice, so don’t be disheartened if you find yourself repeating aspects of the Design phase before finding the right approach to achieve outcomes. Reflect and Review Effective practice is supported by a process of learning and continuous improvement: regularly take time out to Reflect and Review all the way through! It is good practice to set up regular ‘check-in’ points to consider the data you have collected and how it can be used to strengthen your program or service. Start by asking: What happened? So what? Now what? Here are some Reflect and Review tools to get you started.