Outcomes, Practice
and Evidence Network

OPEN fosters the sharing of practice experience, research and evaluation to achieve better outcomes with children, young people and families. The OPEN Portal will link you to key information, activities, practice resources and experts. It highlights evidence of what works, and how to use and create evidence. Join our mailing list below.

Outcomes Journey

Discover the resources you can use to create and integrate evidence into your programs and practice to better understand the difference you are making and to deliver better outcomes for children, young people and families.

OPEN - Animated logo

A Knowledge Hub for professionals wanting information about family violence and sexual violence for children, young people, individuals and families.

Children Australia

An open-access peer-reviewed journal publishing research, reports and commentary to provide a quality evidence base for improving outcomes and services for children, young people and families. Published by the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.

Blogs from the sector

Read and share reflections, news, recent research and evaluation reports from sector, national and international experience about what works to inform practice and deliver outcomes for children and families.

OPEN events are a chance to learn, share and shape the network. Checkout past events to discover new ideas and resources.

Case Studies

Find out how organisations across the sector are using, creating and integrating evidence about outcomes into their services, programs, organisational practice and systems.


OPEN Services can help

Sometimes it is hard to know where to begin or the best approach to measure outcomes and integrate evidence into your program and practice. You don’t have to tackle these challenges alone! OPEN Advisory Services provide support to get you started or keep you moving in the right direction.

Contact us if you need help with:

  • Program logic or outcomes focused design and measurement using evaluation tools
  • Evidence review or needs analysis
  • Implementation support
  • Foundational micro skills or practices
  • Taking your promising practices or evidence based program to the next level.

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