View past webinar recordings

Exploring the lived experience of adolescent-to-mother violence

In this webinar, we hear from researcher, David Burck (University of Queensland), who will present findings from his recently published thesis, ‘A silent shame: Exploring the lived experience of adolescent-to-mother violence where there is a history intimate partner and family violence‘. 

Dave’s research brings young people’s voices to the forefront, with adolescents describing their lived experience of adolescent-to-mother violence in their own words, to answer the research question, ‘how do mothers and young people using violence, with a history of intimate partner violence and family violence , experience and understand adolescent-to-mother violence?‘.

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Childhood maltreatment and adult aggression

In this session we hear from researchers from Deakin University, who investigate links between childhood maltreatment and aggression in adulthood, and the moderating role of neurocognitive ability and substance use.

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Supporting families with school attendance

This webinar explores how to have difficult conversations with young people about school. We hear from Associate Professor Lisa McKay-Brown (University of Melbourne) and Tiffany Westphal (Student Stress Investigation) on considerations for working with young people who have low school attendance and their families.

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Facilitating groupwork with young People

In this webinar we heard from Laura Crozier (YACVic) about how the Yeah, Nah Affirmative Consent education program has focused on creating a group space for young people by young people.
The presentation is followed by a panel discussion with specialist AVITH practitioners.

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Reframing young person violence: Neuroaffirmative practice

In this webinar we heard from Allison Cox (Berry Street) and Jessica Wright (Australian Childhood Foundation) on considerations for working with young people who use violence in the home and their families through a trauma-informed and neuroaffirmative lens.

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Young people’s experiences and use of violence in the home

In this webinar we heard from two of the authors Dr Silke Meyer and María Atiénzar-Prieto (PhD) who examined findings from the national ANROWS-funded study on young people’s use and experiences of violence in the home. The study considers the intersection of child maltreatment types and the likelihood of a young person using violence in the home.

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Working with Children Under 12

At what age do we consider a child’s behaviours to be ‘violent’?
This conversation with specialist practitioners will focus on key considerations for working with children under the age of 12 who are using challenging and aggressive behaviours.

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

This webinar addresses a challenging area of practice: when FASD is a contributing factor in a young person’s violence toward parents/carers.


  • Professor Anita Gibbs, (University of Otago, NZ)

Innovation to Support Engagement in Education


Working with parents and caregivers of young people using violence in the home

Chye Toole-Anstey (University on Wollongong) presents research findings on mothers’ stories of experiencing adolescent violence, help-seeking pathways and service responses.


Young person intimate partner violence (IPV)

This discussion explores how we might provide earlier support and interventions to young people who have experienced family violence, and ways we can engage with young people to promote positive and healthy attitudes about relationships.
Carmel Hobbs (Uni of Tasmania)
Fiona Buchanan (Uni of SA)
Georgina Dimopoulos (Southern Cross University)
Vanessa Harestad and Darcy Robertson (Brisbane Youth Service)

Youth Homelessness

For this discussion we are joined by panelists from Safe and EqualMelbourne City MissionThe Bridge Youth Service, and the Name.Narrate.Navigate Program. We hear about the presentations and needs of young people accessing homelessness and housing support services and some innovative ways of engaging and working with these young people.

AVITH in Context: Mental Health

In this webinar, we heard from Dr Michelle Kehoe, Evaluation and Research Development Officer with Alfred Health (headspace and the Child and Youth Mental Health Service). Michelle spoke about the complexities of AVITH within the context of mental health, and outlined some of the services and supports that practitioners can access.

Safe and effective engagement with young people experiencing family violence

Dr Heidi Saunders (Senior Practitioner, Carinity Talera, Brisbane) speaks on the importance of safe and effective engagement with young people in the context of domestic and family violence (DFV).

Understanding the lived experience of young people who use violence in the home

In this webinar we hear from Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon and Dr Silke Meyer, who present findings from their latest ANROWS-funded research, ‘Adolescent family violence in Australia: A national study of, prevalence use of and exposure to violence, and support needs for young people who use family violence’.

Read the factsheet here.

Responding to problematic and harmful sexual behaviours in young people

Children or young people using harmful sexual behaviours require specialised therapeutic support.

We spoke with representatives from the Victorian Harmful Sexual Behaviour Network, who highlighted the issues and needs relating to young people using these behaviours, and provided an overview of the SABTS (Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services) programs in Victoria.

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Working with children and young people who have experienced relational trauma

In this webinar, Larisa Freiverts (Team Leader and Senior Family Therapist – Meridian Youth and Family Therapy Team, Anglicare) explains attachment, neglect, the impacts of trauma on the autonomic nervous system, polyvagal theory, and creating safety within the therapeutic relationship.

The mental health and mental health service utilisation of young people that engage in violence in the home

We hear from Maddison Riachi, who is a current Doctoral Candidate completing her Doctor of Psychology (Clinical and Forensic) at Swinburne University and The Centre of Forensic Behavioural Science. Maddison has recently completed research investigating the topic of mental health and mental health service utilisation of young people whose use of violence has brought them to the attention of Victoria Police.

We’re then joined by our panel of Specialist Family Violence Advisors in Mental Health to discuss access to mental health support services, identifying AVITH and working holistically.

Building a framework to prevent and respond to young people with disability who use violence at home

Dr Georgina Sutherland and Dr Mediya Rangi provides an overview of this ANROWS-funded project, which aims to build a better understanding of individual, relationship, community context and sociocultural factors relevant for understanding young people with disability who use violence at home.

View the presentation slides here.

Supporting parents/carers with safe gaming

Mandy Buchholtz from Uniting’s Recoded program discusses practical tips and strategies that can help families to implement safe gaming behaviours at home.

View the presentation slides here

Other Resources:

Legal support for young people

In this webinar, we heard from practitioners from Victoria’s community legal centre for young people, Youthlaw to discuss their Pre-Court AVITH Program and their model of integrated practice.

Towards collaborative service

Elena Campbell, Associate Director at the Centre for Innovative Justice (CIJ) speaks about research currently underway: the WRAP Around project.

Police Responses

In this interview, Jane Phillips from the Centre interviews Assistant Commissioner Dean McWhirter (Family Violence Command, Victoria Police) about responding to adolescent violence in the home.

The Family Violence Command is the first of its kind in any policing jurisdiction in Australia. In this interview with Centre staff, Assistant Commissioner Dean McWhirter addresses practical issues faced when responding to young people using violence in the home, and addresses how service sectors might work together to intervene earlier.

New opportunities in the education system to support adolescents using family violence

Malia Dewse & Tania Last, Department of Education and Training (DET) present on earlier identification and improved intervention.

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Knowing that they hurt their mum is really hard: Preliminary themes from young people using AVITH

Dave Burck is the co-facilitator/co-author of the ReNew program in Qld. His presentation brings young people’s voices to the forefront of this discussion, with adolescents describing their lived experience of adolescent-to-mother violence in their own words.

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When disability is a factor in adolescent behaviour

Karen Dimmock is the CEO of the Association for Children with Disability (ACD). Karen’s presentation explores: Behaviour as communication; Experience of families; Intersection of disability, mental health, family violence and mental health of mothers; What works to promote positive behaviour and more.

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The experiences of young people and mothers affected by adolescent and intimate partner violence in the home

Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon presents on the complex needs and experiences of young people who use family violence in the home. Associate Professor Silke Meyer presents on the experiences of young people growing up with and displaying family violence: exploring the need for holistic and trauma informed responses.

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Legal responses to adolescent violence in the home – doing more harm than good?

The Centre for Innovative Justice’s PIPA Project examines the legal responses to adolescents using violence in the home across three Australian jurisdictions.

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Addressing adolescent family violence during involvement with Youth Justice

Dr Kyra Low is a Forensic Psychologist and the Manager of Youth Rehabilitation Programs at Justice Health, Department of Justice and Community Safety. Kyra highlights the current Youth Justice response for adolescent offenders who use family violence, some of the challenges experienced by Youth Justice and service providers in responding to these young people, and strategies to address these challenges.

Centring the child’s experience in counselling ‘post’ family violence

Kirsten Meyer from Women’s Health West discusses using Creative Therapy with 0-17 year olds, in the wake of having experienced family violence.

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If you know of a program or service that works specifically with young people using violence in the home, please get in touch!

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