Knowing that they hurt their mum is really hard: Preliminary themes from young people using AVITH
Dave Burck is a child counsellor at Youth and Family Services in Queensland and is the co-facilitator/co-author of the ReNew program, a group program for mothers who experienced domestic violence and sons who witnessed domestic violence and used violence against their mothers. Dave has a Masters of Counselling from the University of QLD and is currently working on his PhD, researching adolescent–to–mother violence at the University of QLD. He has ten years’ experience working in domestic violence and child trauma.
Dave’s presentation brings young people’s voices to the forefront of this discussion, with adolescents describing their lived experience of adolescent-to-mother violence in their own words.
Published work:
Burck, D., Walsh, D., & Lynch, D. (2019). Silenced Mothers: Exploring Definitions of Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Implications for Practice. Advances in Social Work & Welfare Education, 21(1), 7-18. Retrieved from
If you know of a program or service that works specifically with young people using violence in the home, please get in touch!
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