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Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care: Secondary traumatic stress and staff well-being: understanding compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout in therapeutic care

This guide has been developed to support organisational congruence in the provision of trauma informed therapeutic care and the critical need for a well-supported, capable, and stable staff group to deliver this vision.

Easy steps to using evidence: Children Australia

OPEN Forum, using evidence

Slide deck by Children Australia from the OPEN Forum: Evidence everywhere, everyday, everyone.

OPEN Quick Guide: Evaluate – Are you making a difference? How do you know?


Evaluate provides an overview of the Evaluate process across the Outcomes Journey. This Quick Guide will help you get started with analysing your data, identify and test your findings and prepare your evaluation report to meet the needs of your key audiences.

OPEN Quick Guide: Design Step 2 – Design your outcome measurement approach


Step 2: Design your outcome measurement approach.

OPEN Quick Guide: Design Step 1 – Design your program and its outcomes


Design your program and outcomes provides an overview of the design stage of the Outcomes Journey. Step1: Design your program, objectives and theory of change.

OPEN Quick Guide: Identify


OPEN Quick Guide: Identify and understand the issues or need: provides an overview of the Identify stage of the Outcomes Journey. At the end of working through this QUICK Guide you will understand how to use different forms of evidence to better identify and understand the needs, issue, or gap and its causes to inform decisions about the service response.

OPEN Quick Guide: Implement


OPEN Quick Guide: Implement provides an overview of the Implement Stage of the Outcomes Journey. At the end of working through this Quick Guide you will understand the importance of implementation, with early planning and ongoing review of your progress and learnings. You will understand key factors and steps which underpin implementation success.

Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS): The effect of trauma on the brain development of children

This practice paper provides an overview of what we know from research about cognitive development in children who have experienced trauma, and provides principles to support effective practice responses to those children's trauma.

Celebrating our Outcome Journey & Easy steps to get going on evidence building: OPEN

evidence building, OPEN Forum

Presentation slides from OPEN presented during the OPEN Forum: Evidence, Everywhere, Everyday, Everyone.

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