A series of discussions with AVITH service providers about program design and delivery
Tuesday 28th February, 2023
Emma Nugent led this discussion about:• MARAM and the Information Sharing Schemes as a shared responsibility across sectors• Understanding your role and responsibilities under the Information Sharing Schemes• Responding to and making an information sharing request• Good record keeping practices
View presentation slides
Friday 3rd February, 2023
Discussion topics:
Community of Practice members can contact us for a copy of presentation slides.
5th December, 2022
Our Community of Practice has been working to collate resources and practice tips that they’ve found helpful when working with young people with a disability who use violence. In this workshop session we were also joined by Teresa Dowding from Amaze.
Discussion summary, including full list of resources
Our Senior Trainer Mark Ryan presented at this session, providing the ins and outs of supporting families with NDIS applications.
Dr Heidi Saunders will be discussing innovative program approaches and learnings from the ReNew program at Carinity Talera in Queensland. ReNew works to break the cycle of violence through early intervention and the renewal of healthy relationships.
Presentation slides
Dr Tamara Blakemore and Louise Rak discussed the Name.Narrate.Navigate program running in New South Wales. Name.Narrate.Navigate is a targeted preventive-intervention for young people identified at risk of, or already using violence in their interpersonal relationships, and workers that support them.
28th March, 2022
Dr Mandy Charman from the Outcomes Practice Evidence Network provides an intro to evaluation and the outcomes journey.
10th February, 2022
Simon Bescoby and Christine Blakey of Peninsula Health discussed initial screening and assessment processes of the Keeping Families Safe program.
10th December, 2021
Alice Lockrey and Kate Richards from Berry Street led a group discussion about the importance of having young people co-design the services that are built for them, as well as how the team have incorporated art therapy into their AVITH service delivery.
Other resources:
7th December, 2021
Grace Jones from BCYF talks with us about the benefits and challenges of incorporating group work into program design.
6th December, 2021
Larisa Freiverts from Anglicare’s Meridian team leads our discussion today on trauma-focused work.
16th November, 2021
Emily Doddrell from Child and Family Services (CAFS) Ballarat presented to the group about important practice approaches to consider when working with young people with disability.
15th October, 2021
Scarlett Fitzpatrick, Team Leader of Baptcare’s AFV Program in Sunshine, led a discussion about the importance of taking an ‘All-of-Family’ approach when working with young people using violence.
25th June, 2021
Centre staff spoke with Greg Sloan and Brody Flowers from Mallee District Aboriginal Service (MDAS), about how their Koorie Adolescent Family Violence Program supports young people through cultural engagement.
June, 2020
Kasey Holyman from Uniting Goulburn East discusses the service trends they are seeing in the area, and the practice approaches that seem most promising.
Read more
9th April 2020
We spoke with several service agencies about how this situation is affecting the young people and families with whom they work, and how practitioners are making necessary changes to service delivery.
AVITH Symposium, March 2020
Staff from OzChild discuss their implementation of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) as an evidence-based intervention suitable for young people using violence in the home.*Unfortunately, due to venue recording issues, the initial slides were not captured. You can view their full presentation slides as a PDF here.
Karen Field (CEO of drummond street) discusses the issue of adolescent violence in the home by presenting some of our client data to show the correlations between co-occurring risk issues and presenting needs for families. Karen also highlights case studies and discusses possible service solutions to address this complex issue.
If you know of a program or service that works specifically with young people using violence in the home, please get in touch!
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