Here are several recorded webinars that provide insights on how to better support children, young people, carers, and the workforce in Victoria's Out of Home Care sector.
This AIFS webinar explored the concepts of stability and offered strategies for achieving positive outcomes for children and young people in care.
This webinar from MacKillop Family Services delves into the emotional impacts of placement transitions on foster families. Key insights include coping mechanisms, carers’ expertise, and the role of well-trained agency workers.
This webinar from Lighthouse Institute highlights an initiative that empowers caregivers of vulnerable young people to foster meaningful relationships and supportive systems, equipping foster carers with essential skills to support their young people.
This webinar explores Restoring Families partnership with Anglicare Victoria to support foster care retention and stability for children. Discover the critical role of professional support for carers and building the capability of foster care staffing team for effective responses.
This webinar addresses a challenging area of practice Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) which is a contributing factor in a young person’s use of violence in the home. FASD is an increasingly significant area of concern for children in OoHC.
This webinar by the Centre’s Raising Expectations team delved into the Let Us Learn Inquiry. Hear from Commission from the Commission for Children and Young People and the young people whose voices shaped the report.
This webinar from NSW Department of Communities and Justice presents research findings from Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS) that identifies supports that can be put in place early in a child’s placement which can have a positive impact on developmental and permanency outcomes.
This OPEN Forum covers research and practices to improve OoHC experiences. It includes presentations on participatory practices and the impact of informal relationships, with insights from professionals at Anchor Community Care and Wombat Housing.
This webinar from the NSW Department from Communities and Justice focused on how to best support families involved with child protection services and children in OoHC who are from culturally diverse communities.
This webinar from Settlement Services International focusses on key frameworks for culturally responsive practice and offer suggestions for how to effectively communicate to communities.
This webinar explores initiatives supporting the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in child protection.
This webinar from SNAICC explores Aboriginal-led solutions for family reunification and strengthening communities. This session highlights effective practices and community-driven strategies for fostering stronger, resilient Aboriginal families to help lessen experiences of OoHC for Aboriginal communities.
This AIFS webinar provides strategies to help practitioners deliver therapeutic responses within a culturally safe framework, supporting the social and emotional wellbeing needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in OoHC.
This webinar from Uniting and Faircloth, McNair & Associates presents an initiative to enhance care experiences, outcomes, and staff satisfaction in youth residential care settings.
The webinar from MacKillop and Melbourne University outline’s a unique strategy to support the implementation of four models into practice in residential care services.
This webinar from Allambi Care explores therapeutic residential care, unveiling core practice principles driving their model.
Presenters share how a partnership between DFFH, Safer Care Victoria, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, supported by people with a lived experience, tested the use of Improvement Science to improve experiences in residential care.
This webinar from Anchor Community Care highlights the transformative outcomes of the “Supporting Transitions” program, which empowers young individuals (16-19) for independence through safe high-quality accommodation.
This AIFS webinar shared insights into young people’s experiences of leaving care based on recent findings from the Beyond 18 longitudinal study in Victoria. Specifically, it explored what young people involved in the study said about the challenges they faced, how they fared after leaving care and the supports they had.
This AIFS webinar discusses evidence that trauma-informed and therapeutic support models improve outcomes for young people from OoHC, who often face poorer health, education, and employment outcomes.
In this webinar, Dr Claire Baker discusses what matters to young people leaving OoHC in the UK and how the Bright Spots program, is addressing the lack of data on the experiences of young people in care and leaving care.
This webinar from Anglicare (Loddon) share insights into the Care Hub – where multiple agencies provide wrap-around support for young people and families who are coming into contact with the care system for the first time
This webinar from Uniting and Doug Faircloth discussed getting this innovative project up and running in the context of a global pandemic with all its ups and downs, learnings and achievements.
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