Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre: Global Insights into youth-centred crisis responses

Presented by Dr Chelsea Tobin, CEO Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre

This discussion from Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre‘s Dr Chelsea Tobin explored youth-centered crisis response strategies, emphasising the need for relevance, technology, and interdisciplinary collaboration to effectively support young people in times of crisis.

Key Insights:

  • Global Collaboration and Youth Engagement: Learning from international models and involving youth in the co-creation of crisis services ensures that interventions are relevant, personalised, and empowering.
  • Technology and Interdisciplinary Teams: Integrating digital tools increases accessibility, while interdisciplinary care teams provide a well-rounded support system, making services more efficient and connected.
  • Safe Spaces and Data-Driven Strategies: Creating youth-specific crisis spaces fosters comfort and understanding, and using evidence-based practices leads to adaptable and effective crisis responses.

This holistic approach to crisis response underscores the importance of collaboration, youth involvement, and a proactive stance in developing supportive systems that resonate with young people’s experiences.

Keywords: Youth Participation, Co-Design, Evidence based decision making

Launch Housing: The Education Pathways Program – Breaking the link between homelessness and education disadvantage

Presented by Juliana Tardochi & Nadine Howard

Launch Housing’s Education Pathways Program is focused on interrupting the cycle of homelessness and educational disadvantage, the program offers targeted support to help children thrive academically despite the challenges of housing instability.

Key Insights:

  • Holistic, Trauma-Informed Support: The program uses a multidisciplinary approach to address both the educational and emotional needs of children facing homelessness, creating a nurturing learning environment.
  • Improved School Engagement and Systemic Barrier Removal: By re-enrolling 70% of previously unenrolled children and dismantling barriers, the program helps break the cycle of homelessness and educational disadvantage.
  • Community Collaboration and Long-Term Vision: The program fosters school and community partnerships, while offering flexible philanthropic funding to ensure customised support and long-term stability for families.

Through comprehensive, trauma-informed, and flexible support, Launch Housing’s Education Pathways Program actively works to disrupt the cycle of homelessness, helping children access education and build a foundation for a stable future.

Keywords: Trauma-informed practice, education, homelessness, youth

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