OPEN Forum – Embedding evidence into everyday practice – getting started on a tight budget – lessons from Family Care and the Lighthouse Foundation
Date: 12 August 2021
Format: Zoom
The August OPEN was the third instalment of our ‘Embedding Evidence’ series which continued the discussions from our March and April forums about creating and using evidence in everyday practice. It built on the momentum from the last two forums, with a deeper dive into the ‘what works’ for outcomes journey for different organisations.
The ‘Embedding Evidence’ series was curated to inform the sector about the different pathways that can be taken to embed data and evidence into organisational practice and systems.
The August forum began with OPEN sharing a short summary of previous two events and the key messages. Then two organisations were welcomed who shared their steps to be outcome and evidence focussed on a tight budget.
Key messages
These are just some of the few lessons that were shared – check out the full recording and download the presentations here (Lighthouse and Family Care) to learn about the range of strategies that these organisations are using.
Links shared during the forum and other OPEN resources:
View all events