Quantum Support Services is a leading provider of Family Violence, homelessness and youth programs across the region including our Community Care Unit supporting woman and children victim survivors of family violence and our Youth Residential Building providing crisis accommodation for young people experiencing homelessness. Quantum is also known for its in house developed programs including the Inspiring Woman’s Program and the Adolescent Building Connections program.
The Families Building Connections (FBC) Team Quantum Support Services
John* is a 15-year-old male referred to the Families Building Connections (FBC) program by The Orange Door (TOD). The referral identified John was frequently using verbal and physical violence at home towards his Mother, Jane, and his younger sister. This had been escalating both in frequency and severity, resulting in his family members feeling unsafe, police attending the home, and several reports to child protection as a result of the L17 reports.
* All names and identifying features have been altered.
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