Every Opportunity for Change: Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People Experiencing and/or Using Violence in their Interpersonal Relationships
Every Opportunity for Change: Developing a Place-Based Approach to Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People Experiencing and/or Using Violence in their Interpersonal Relationships
Over the last 6 months DV Vic, in partnership with CFRE, has facilitated a cross-sector conversation about current systems responses to young people using family violence and/or experiencing family violence in Geelong. Working with key organisations that work with children, young people and families in the region, this work has included an examination of the types of violence young people experience and use, local service system mapping, and exploring different models of coordinated multi-agency/multi-disciplinary responses to family violence that could have application in this context. This has led to a co-design process in the development of a place-based project that looks to address systemic failures to respond to the needs of children, young people and their families.
With a background in family violence case management and community managed mental health, Emma has led the Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project (FVPCP) at DV Vic over the last two years. The FVPCP is a cross-sector partnership between DV Vic and committed group of philanthropic and corporate funders with an interest in family violence prevention and response, made possible through generous support from Gandel Philanthropy, The William Buckland Foundation and RE Ross Trust.
A community psychologist with experience in schools, community mental health and private practice, Tamara has a strong passion for improving the quality and impact of the valuable work that is delivered in the community and government sector. She is committed to working to improve the lives of people experiencing disadvantage and/or discrimination and enabling them to thrive.
At CFRE, Tamara supports family services agencies to build their capacity to work effectively and efficiently, towards quality outcomes for clients and provision of program that use the best available evidence. She believes that good systems and processes for monitoring and evaluating programs are integral for understanding and demonstrating program impact. Evidence-based practice builds the sustainability of programs and improved client outcomes, not to mention greater accountability of government-funded services to the communities that they serve. Tamara loves working with teams to deliver training and coaching that is engaging, inspiring and motivating and she is enthusiastic about moving the sector towards better outcomes for children and families and rewarding and sustaining work for sector staff.
Click here to find out more about The Adolescent Family Violence Project
For any further queries, please contact Karalyn Davies
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