The Building the Evidence project, was initially funded in 2019 by Family Safety Victoria (FSV) and conducted in consultation with Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic). The project aims were to better understand the nature of youth violence in the home and the approaches that work. In late 2019, the Centre engaged in a process of sector consultation to gain insight into conceptual understandings, practice challenges, and workforce capacity building needs for practitioners working with young people using violence in the home.
The Centre developed and administered a survey for child and family services and specialist family violence services seeking information about how practitioners understand and respond to young people who use violence in the home. The survey was also intended to identify examples of effective practice and knowledge gaps where practitioners might benefit from further professional development. Following the survey, the Centre facilitated six consultation forums, which allowed for rich qualitative discussions to build upon the survey findings.
The aim of these forums was to identify interventions currently used by service agencies, and to prompt participants to consider how the service sectors might move toward earlier identification and intervention. Participants were asked about the learning and development needs of their workforce, including what practice resources and tools are required and the best ways to make these resources accessible to both workforces.
Read a copy of the data summary
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