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Young voices of the pandemic: Youth survey COVID-19 report 2020

COVID-19, Report, Young People

Mission Australia has released this report analysing the qualitative data from the 2020 youth survey for young people who cited COVID-19 as the biggest issue they had been facing. The analysis found that the areas of most concern for these young people were COVID’s impact on education, isolation and mental health.

Checking in with children and young people: Lockdown 4

Children, COVID-19, Young People

A new COVID-19 snapshot from the Commission for Children and Young People has been released outlining findings from their check in with young people about the impacts of COVID-19

Out of sight: Systemic inquiry into children and young people who are absent or missing from residential care

Children, Out of Home Care (OOHC), Report, Young People

The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) has released this systemic inquiry report into children and young people who are absent or missing from residential care in Victoria. The report investigates prevalence, patterns and characteristics of young people, the factors that contribute to their absence, and the harms experienced while absent from care. The report found that deficiencies in the current model of residential care are key factors driving absence from care, with young people feeling unsafe and/or seeking needed connection elsewhere. The report makes 18 recommendations.

Our youth, our way: Inquiry into the over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in the Victorian youth justice system

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Adolescents, Report, Young People, Youth Justice

The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) has released its report examining the lived experience of Aboriginal young people who have had contact with Victoria’s youth justice system and the factors that contribute to their overrepresentation. CCYP found that the continuing legacy of colonisation, the stolen generation and structural and institutional racism play a significant role in the over-representation of Aboriginal young people in the youth justice system. The report makes 75 recommendations.

Learning through COVID-19: Maximising educational outcomes for Australia’s children and young people experiencing disadvantage – Pillar 3 report

Children, COVID-19, Education, Evidence-Based Program, Young People

This report from the University of Queensland builds on two previous reports in a series exploring the impact of COVID-19 on learning to present evidence-based options for action to address disadvantage. Evidence-based interventions and programs were identified across core actions within four priority Action Areas: student mental health, wellbeing and hope; future role of teachers, schools and communities; digital equity; and protections for the most vulnerable students. The researchers assessed 65 programs for implementation readiness in the Australian context. The findings reveal key evidence gaps and the report urges government to take action in 16 areas.

Te Mātātaki 2021: Findings from the 2019/2020 survey of tamariki and rangatahi in care

Children, Data, Out of Home Care (OOHC), Report, Young People

This report from Oranga Tamariki (Ministry for Children) in New Zealand seeks to better understand the experiences of tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) in care. A census approach was used to conduct the survey so that all tamariki and rangatahi between 10 and 17 years of age who had been in care for more than 31 days had the opportunity to participate, resulting in a participation rate of 84 per cent. A key finding was that 97 per cent indicated that the adults they live with look after them well, with 81 per cent indicating that this was all of the time. Based on the feedback, priority areas for action are identified.

Income support receipt for young people transitioning from out-of-home care

Data, Out of Home Care (OOHC), Report, Young People

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has released this report presenting data on the prevalence of income support receipt among young people transitioning from care. The study found that time in out-of-home care is associated with higher levels of income support receipt, with care leavers in young adulthood three times as likely as their peers who have not been in care to receive income support.

Income support receipt for young people transitioning from out-of-home care

Data, Out of Home Care (OOHC), Report, Young People

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has released this report presenting data on the prevalence of income support receipt among young people transitioning from care. The study found that time in out-of-home care is associated with higher levels of income support receipt, with care leavers in young adulthood three times as likely as their peers who have not been in care to receive income support.

Transitioning to adulthood from out-of-home care: Independence or interdependence?

Children, Safety and wellbeing, Young People

This newly released report from CREATE Foundation examines young people’s views of life in care across Australia. A total of 325 young people were interviewed or completed a survey. The data identified five major challenges: support for transitioning, issues with caseworkers, issues with carers, placement stability and safety, and involvement in decision making.

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