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Being a young man online: Tensions, complexities, and possibilities

online safety, young people

This report by the eSafety Commissioner, Deakin, and QUT examines online experiences of 100+ young men (16-21), revealing tensions between personal manhood experiences and its online portrayal through interviews and focus groups.

Talking About My Generation: Australians 18–25 years old

client voice, young people

The Australian Human Rights Commission's report provides insights from discussions with young people aged 18-25 on financial management, social conduct, mental health, and social media. It highlights a generational gap and is relevant for practitioners working with young people.

Pathways, engagement and transitions: Initial post-school transitions among young people experiencing disadvantage

education, young people

This Smith Family report, from an ongoing longitudinal study, looks at young people's experience of disadvantage during the post-school transition period. This report provides insight into factors and circumstances affecting work and study pathways for young people who experience disadvantages.

Healing Trauma and Loss and Increasing Social Connections: Transitions from Care and Early Parenting

out-of-home care (OOHC), trauma-informed practice, young people

This Monash University research article engages qualitative data from service practitioners to help identify factors that can lead out-of-home care leavers to become parents before age 21. Some key themes included feelings of loss and isolation and poor sex education with implications for service practitioners.

Youth Work Matters Social Return on Investment Study

collective impact, program evaluation, young people

This Youth Affairs Council Victoria and Deloitte Access Economics report collaboratively gathered insights into the monetary and social impacts of youth work programs in Victoria. This report strengthens the evidence of the collective impact of youth work programs in Victoria.

Youth Work Matters Social Return on Investment Study

education, employment, housing, mental health, young people, youth justice

The Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to conduct a social and economic return on investment (SROI) to understand the impact of youth work in Victoria and strengthen the evidence base to inform policy decisions. The report covers mental health and wellbeing, education and employment, housing, and interaction with the justice system, and highlights the crucial role that youth work plays in improving the lives of young people in Victoria.

‘Getting out into the world’: Pathways to community participation and connectedness for NDIS participants with intellectual disability, on the autism spectrum and/or with psychosocial disability

client engagement, disability, school leavers, support services, young people

This report from the National Disability Insurance Agency describes the findings of a study on participant experiences, including major barriers and enablers to community participation. A mix-methods approach was used with participants, families and carers and frontline staff. Findings are detailed in the report.

Measuring what matters: Drawing on a participatory wellbeing framework and existing data to assess child wellbeing outcomes over time

children, health and wellbeing, low income, poverty, young people

This article from the Centre for Social Research and Methods illustrates the effect of applying a wellbeing participatory framework – focused on key areas that children indicate as having value to themselves – to an existing dataset on child wellbeing. Results showed some areas of concern for children and young people in Australia and details how policies should be changed as a result.

The inclusion of LGBTQI+ students across education systems: An overview

education, health and wellbeing, LGBTQIA+, policy, student wellbeing, young people

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released this report seeking to understand the challenges experienced by LGBTQI+ students and examining supportive educational policies and programs across OECD countries. This report had many findings and also identified seven practices that contribute to the wellbeing of LGBTQI+ students.

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