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WRAP around families experiencing AVITH: Towards a collaborative service response

Adolescent violence in the home, AVITH, Evidence Informed Practice, Family Violence, Service Delivery, Young People

ANROWS conducted a study on the WRAP around families project, which aimed to create a framework for addressing adolescent family violence. The study identified practice and system challenges, as well as emerging promising practices in the sector. This research is relevant to practitioners working with families affected by adolescent violence and provides valuable insights for improving interventions and support.

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Learnings from the transition to working online in primary prevention

Evidence Informed Practice, Family Violence

This Safe and Equal peak body resource details the advantages and challenges for primary prevention family violence practitioners moving to an online environment. This resource demonstrates embedding learning within the practice and is particularly useful for Victorian primary prevention practitioners.

What contributes to placement moves in out-of-home care?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Carers, Children, Evidence Informed Practice, Kinship Care, Out of Home Care (OOHC)

Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) has released this scoping review of local and international evidence examining the factors that influence placement moves for children in out-of-home care. Factors found to increase the risk of a placement move include the age at which a child first enters care and the presence of externalising behaviour. CFCA found kinship care to be a factor that reduces the risk of placement moves. The paper identifies a lack of evidence on factors influencing placement moves relating specifically to Aboriginal children.

How do leaders enable and support the implementation of evidence-based programs and evidence-informed practice in child welfare? A systematic literature review

Children, Evidence Informed Practice, Evidence-Based Program, Journal article, Literature Review, Research

This article, published in Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, explores how leaders in child welfare organisations can best support the implementation of evidence-based approaches to deliver ‘what works’ to improve outcomes for children and families. A systematic review identified 12 articles and finds that leaders achieve this by providing vision, cultivating organisational culture, proactive planning and investment, developing capabilities, and maintaining relationships required to enable implementation.

Presentation – Evidence Based Decision making for Human Services leaders Course -Eric Barends, Evidence Based Management – Information Session

Evidence Based Decision Making, Evidence Informed Practice

Coffee Talk Session on the Evidence Based Decision Making for Human Services Leaders course Eric Barends, Center for Evidence Based Management at Carnegie Mellon University presentation on the Evidence-based Decision Making for Human Service Leaders’ course. The course is hosted by the Outcomes, Practice and Evidence Network (OPEN) and is co-facilitated by Eric Barends, the Center for Evidence Based Management at Carnegie Mellon University and Dr Lisa . Griffiths, CEO, OzChild.

Co-constructing Who Am I? Ensuring the voice of the child or young person is at the heart of ‘the record’

Children, Client Engagement, Early years, Evidence Informed Practice, Out of Home Care (OOHC), Young People

This discussion paper talks about the value of developing a coherent, manageable and principled practice framework for co-constructing the child’s personal life story archive. It also includes considerations around trauma, record-keeping, confidentiality,and information technology. Systems and collaborations are essential to translate this into practice.

Design, Identify

Supporting the journey: issues in co-creating a sensitive narrative of the child’s identity and experience ‘in care’

Children, Client Engagement, Evidence Informed Practice, Out of Home Care (OOHC), Young People

This 'Who Am I?' workshop report talks about the importance of capturing the perspectives of children and young people who are actively involved in the constructing their record while ‘in care’, and the process of collaboration between them and professionals. The idea was to understand the principles underpinning record-keeping and archival programs; and unpack the factors which enable or create barriers to effective practice for front line workers, managers and organisations providing out of home care.

The Early Intervention Foundation: Who We Are

Early years, Evidence Informed Practice

This keynote by Tom McBride was given at an event co-hosted by CFECFW and Berry Street. It discusses the formation of the Early Intervention Foundation in the UK, and gives an overview of their purpose, evidence standards and how they approach early intervention work across a range of areas.

Evidence and Innovation for Wellbeing in complex settings: Dr. Penny Hagen and Angie Tangaere

Evidence Informed Practice, Families and parenting

OPEN organised this Knowledge Building Workshop led by Dr. Penny Hagen, from Auckland Co-design Lab and Angie Tangaere, The Southern Initiative, where they talked about privilege and power. Their approach encourages us to flip where the expertise lies and be social innovation agents who need to be ‘in service’ of the change that the families want.

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