Messages from East Gippsland aims to elevate the voices of children and young people living in the region, and share their perspectives, concerns, and ideas with local decision makers.
The project has been designed and implemented by the Children and Young People’s Wellbeing Initiative from 54 reasons, part of Save the Children Australia.
This team works in partnership with organisations from across East Gippsland to promote child rights and enhance the healthy development of children and young people through implementing collaborative and community-led approaches.
The concept for the Messages from East Gippsland Project was inspired by Article 12 of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which emphasises the rights of children and young people to be listened to on matters which affect them.
A key aim of the project was to amplify the perspectives of children and young people and provide an opportunity for them to engage in the process of civic participation.
As part of the Messages from East Gippsland project, children and young people were invited to send a purpose made postcard to local decision makers.
They were asked to share the best and worst things about where they live, and what they would do if they were the Mayor of East Gippsland.
178 children and young people from 15 different communities took part in the project, through schools, playgroups and community events.
Most participants were aged between 8 and 12 years old.
To close the feedback loop and ensure that the children and young people who participated felt genuinely listened to and that their contributions were valued and taken seriously, 54 reasons coordinated
East Gippsland’s Mayor, Tom Crook, and Councillors Mark Reeves and Kirsten Van Diggele;
Virginia Vincent
Virginia Vincent, Team Leader for the Children and Young People Wellbeing Initiative, 54 Reasons
Ginny Vincent – East Gippsland Team Leader for the Children and Young People Wellbeing Initiative. Background includes 40+ years in education, paediatric neuropsychology, child and youth counselling, and parent-infant educator.
Banjo Jackson
East Gippsland Youth Ambassador
Sixteen years old and a member of the East Gippsland Shire Youth Ambassadors, of which he was the Chairman in 2023.
He is also on the Youth Programs Committee as a part of the Gippsland Youth Spaces Inc.