June 4, 2024
12:30 PM - 2.00PM

Interactive workshop from Emerging Minds

This interactive workshop from Emerging Minds was engaging, insightful and provided practical ways for organisations and leaders to better support children’s mental health within their programs and service delivery.

The workshop focused on understanding the factors affecting infant and child mental health, identifying system influences, and implementing effective strategies for supporting mental health in organisational settings. Presenters emphasised the importance of leadership in creating environments that promote mental health and well-being for children.

Key message:

Organisations and services that proactively support positive mental health for infants and children open the door to prevention and early interventions opportunities and to immediate and long-term benefits including:

  • Improved services access, reach and choice
  • Better outcomes for children
  • A more responsive service system
  • Reduced demand on services in the future

This session was engaging, interactive and highly practical with suggestions of many tools and ways of working offered that can support child and family services to better embed children’s mental health in their organisation.

Emerging Minds Support

If you require support or guidance to embed children’s mental health and wellbeing into your organisation’s policy or practice, please reach out to Senior Child Mental Health Advisor Afra Durance via durancea@emergingminds.com.au

Emerging Minds Resources

For over 20 years Emerging Minds has been dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. Emerging Minds is federally funded to lead the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health providing workforce development products and resources that aim to support professionals and organisations to improve social and emotional wellbeing and mental health outcomes for children (0-12 years).   

Katherine McLean
Katharine McLean is the Senior Child Mental Health Advisor for the Social Services team within Emerging Minds Partnerships and Implementation Team. Katharine has been working in the child and family sector for the last 20 years in frontline, practice and operational management roles spanning early childhood, homelessness, family support, post adoption and children’s mental health programs. 

Afra Durance
Afra Durance is the Child Mental Health Advisor for the Social Services team within Emerging Minds Partnerships and Implementation Team. Afra has over 15 years’ experience focused on promotion, prevention, and early intervention approaches to strengthening children’s mental health and wellbeing across the health, education, and community services sectors. 

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