Hosted by: DET and Raising Expectations (CFECFW)
Date: 21 and 23 October 2019 Location: Melbourne and Ballarat
Raising Expectations and the Department of Education and Training held two workshops in October last year for professionals working with young people in care with visiting Canadian careers expert, Gray Poehnell. The workshops focused on young people in Out of Home Care: their learning and the power of possibility.
Gray is of Metis descent (an Indigenous people of Canada) and is a world-renowned expert, writer and speaker on the topic of working with young people who face multiple barriers to careers engagement.
His approach is holistic, grounded in trust and centred on the young person’s context, interests and hope for the future. Gray is widely recognised for his dynamic training of careers practitioners both nationally and internationally and has over 20 years’ experience approaching career with methods that cultivate hope, practical spirituality, creativity, imagination, and career integrity. Gray has worked with diverse client groups including young people, social assistance recipients, Aboriginal people, and multi-barriered clients, older adults, immigrants and professionals.
Gray’s workshops assist professionals working with young people facing multiple barriers to engagement to understand and apply a person-centred, solution-focused, strengths-focused approach to improve support of young people in their learning and education.
They help us to identify and apply strategies, tools and approaches to motivate and engage students in their learning and career education, including working with young people who have or are disconnecting from their learning, by starting with topics of interest and relevance to them, identifying their connections to community, support networks and more. They ask us to shift the language we use to engage multi-barriered young people to be more inclusive and accessible.
Key to Gray’s approach to engaging young, multi-barriered people with careers development is: