This AES Seminar with Liz Weaver, Co-CEO of Tamarack Institute provided an overview and key features of collective impact approaches and the unique challenges associated with evaluating them. These approaches have gained greater sway and influence over the last 10 years, as uniquely place to to address complex, multi-faceted issues involving intersecting systems, organisations and population groups. In Australia, these collaborative initiatives may be positioned as ‘place-based’ initiatives or they may draw together multiple organisations and even service systems around a common social issue (family violence) or common cohort (those suffering from mental illness). Regardless of the galvanising issue, collective impact approaches provide an architecture, resources and tools that can help you set up for success and trouble shoot as you go. They also provide a wealth of knowledge about how to successfully engage, support and embed evaluation approaches into this multi-layered and multi-stakeholder terrain.
This session had something for everyone – policy and program managers leading complex, multi-organisation initiatives, internal and external evaluators and anyone interested in supporting effective collaborative practice and integrative rather than silo-ed thinking.
Liz leads the Tamarack Learning Centre. She has been a key player in building the collective impact model over many years. The Tamarack Learning Centre, which is an international leader in the collective impact approach, advances community change efforts with a focus on collective impact, collaborative leadership, community engagement, community innovation and evaluating community impact. Liz is well-known for her thought leadership on collective impact and is the author of several popular and academic papers on the topic.
Key messages
Collective impact approaches have emerged over the last 10 years or so.
Collective impact is defined as the commitment of a group of actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem, using a structured form of collaboration.
It arose as an approach to address the unique challenges posed by complex or “wicked” social problems, those that cannot be solved through traditional or silo-ed service approaches.
Collective impact proposes an approach to collaborative action which draws together diverse perspectives to respond to these challenges. They have five key elements: a common, agreed agenda; continuous communication; mutually reinforcing activities; backbone support; and shared measurement.
Collective impact approaches provide a systematic approach and a range of tools and resources of value to any collaborative project or approach.
Fundamental to the collective impact approach is a focus on:
Evaluating collective impact approaches can be challenging. Key tips for evaluating these types of initiatives include:
Presentation slides – download here
Further resources