MARAM Resources

The Centre for Excellence has been working with Family Safety Victoria (FSV) to develop the Adolescent-focused MARAM Practice Guide: this is aimed at professionals who work directly and/or come into contact with adolescents and young people who use violence in the home, and will be targeted at all workforces that have requirements under MARAM.

  • MARAM Practice Note Update: Resource for working with adolescents using violence during COVID-19 period
  • AVITH MARAM Practice Guide (Currently under development)

Resources to support information sharing

Visit the Centre’s MARAM and Information Sharing Resource Hub – includes information sheets, podcasts and case studies to support your organisation’s implementation of MARAM.

Check out Family Safety Victoria’s MARAM animation video series

Other resources & guides

The following resources were produced in other states or jurisdictions. As such, Victorian readers should view this information as a general guide only.

How to talk about and support young people with their well-being (The Children’s Society, UK)

How to support LGBTQIA+ young people in health services (ACYP, NSW)

If you know of a program or service that works specifically with young people using violence in the home, please get in touch!

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