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mental health trauma-informed practice

Understanding our vagus nerve: Becoming familiar with our polyvagal responses to our child

trauma-informed practice

Session 2 of the series examines how we act when things are going well, and where we go when we are stressed or shut down with our child. What does our personal history have to do with our autonomic responses? How can we begin to move towards ventral if we are frequently in sympathetic/dorsal? This session includes exercises for self-compassion and reset.

Introduction to Polyvagal Parenting: Our autonomic nervous system as parents and children

trauma-informed practice

Session 1 of a series facilitated by Polyvagal Institute. Expert trainer and clinician Dafna Lender presents practical applications for building safety and connection with children. In this session we will explore everyday examples of safety and connection (ventral), dysregulation (sympathetic/dorsal) and repair (return to ventral). We will learn how our nervous system influences our children and vice versa, and discuss ways to get yourself into a calm and open state (ventral) so you can influence your child in a positive way.

Working therapeutically with children who have experienced trauma from physical or sexual abuse

child sexual abuse, trauma-informed practice

This webinar by MHPN includes an interdisciplinary panel of experts explore how practitioners can respond to the challenges of working therapeutically with children and their families when children have experienced physical or sexual abuse.

What features of education policies are effective in facilitating successful outcomes for Australian Department of Education students in out of home care?

education, out-of-home care (OOHC), trauma-informed practice

Research shows children in Out of Home Care (OOHC) face significant educational challenges. This study analyzed Australian OOHC education policies, revealing major differences in support, with only Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria having specific policies. Recommendations are provided to improve educational outcomes for OOHC students.

Fostering Hope: Trauma Awareness Training

children and young people, out-of-home care (OOHC), trauma-informed practice

Join Mary Blake (Fostering Hope) and Dr. Suse Chequer (Shine Through Psychology) for six engaging sessions on supporting children impacted by trauma. Learn to identify trauma, understand its effects, and gain tools to promote safety and inclusion in your programs.

Uniting’s Summary: Therapeutic Model of Care

evidence informed practice, trauma-informed practice

A summary of Uniting's Therapeutic Model of Care

Uniting Presentation: Therapeutic Model of Care for working with children, young people and families

evidence informed practice, trauma-informed practice

Presentation slides from Uniting Vic.Tas detailing their methodology in developing the elements of their Therapeutic Model of Care.

Understanding mental health developmental dyslexia: A scoping review

learning difficulties, mental health

Curtin University's scoping review explores factors affecting the link between mental health issues and literacy difficulties in children, identifying individual, family, and community influences, and suggesting intervention opportunities to address these challenges.

Wagtail Institute Presentation: Trauma-informed staff wellbeing

trauma-informed practice, workforce wellbeing

Slide deck from Wagtails Institute Presentation from the OPEN Forum: Trauma-informed insights: Strategies to wellbeing.

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