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‘I Had to Take a Casual Contract and Work One Day a Week’: Students’ experiences of lengthy university placements as drivers of precarity

economic wellbeing, education, employment, school, student wellbeing

This article, published in Work, Employment and Society, presents the results of a survey of social work students at an Australian university who undertook a lengthy unpaid placement as part of their study. The study shows that these students faced increased workforce precarity and it also created major restrictions on their ability to work while studying. Further findings are detailed in this article.

Economic insecurity and intimate partner violence in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19, economic wellbeing, intimate partner violence

ANROWS has released this report containing a detailed examination of the relationship between economic insecurity and intimate partner violence (IPV) and investigates whether risk factors relating to economic insecurity have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research found that, consistent with other Australian and international research, there was clear evidence that the acute economic stressors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic were associated with the onset and escalation of IPV.

Debt, duress and dob-ins: Centrelink compliance processes and domestic violence

economic wellbeing, family violence

Economic Justice Australia has released this report investigating the relationship between domestic violence and Centrelink compliance and debt mechanisms, and the impacts of these mechanisms on domestic violence victims/survivors. A key finding was that Centrelink compliance processes are sometimes used by perpetrators as a tool of violence. The report makes 27 recommendations.

The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey: Selected findings from waves 1 to 19

data, economic wellbeing

The Melbourne Institute has released the 16th annual Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey report. The data and findings are presented using the following topics: households and family life, household economic wellbeing, the labour market, unpaid work, housing mobility, psychological distress, retirement, time stress, self-control, and attitudes towards marriage, parenting and work. A key finding is that women continue to do more unpaid work than men, however the gap has reduced since 2002.

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