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“It depends on what the definition of domestic violence is”: How young Australians conceptualise domestic violence and abuse

Abuse, Children, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Safety and wellbeing, Young People

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) has released this report exploring young people’s understandings of domestic violence, which builds upon insights gained from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey. Many new insights and findings were found and are detailed in this report.

Intervention programme for fathers who use domestic and family violence: Results from an evaluation of Caring Dads

Case Study, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Journal article, Program Evaluation

This article, published in Child & Family Social Work, presents the findings of an evaluation of Caring Dads, a Men’s Behaviour Change Program trialled in two Australian locations. The study had a small sample size (40 fathers and 17 mothers) however findings aligned with previous evaluations of the program. The evaluation found positive improvements for mothers in their self-perceived level of safety, experiences of domestic and family violence, and in respectful communication.

New ways for our families: Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice framework and system responses to address the impacts of domestic and family violence on children and young people

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Child Protection, Children, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Young People

This report from Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) is the first of two reports that will explore how services and systems can better respond to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people experiencing domestic and family violence (DFV) who come to the attention of child protection systems. The evidence review found that the voices of Aboriginal children are largely silent in the literature despite the extensive impacts of DFV on their lives and that this concerning outcome is driven by a service system focused on adults.

Intimate partner violence homicides 2010-2018

Data, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Intimate partner violence, Report

ANROWS and the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network have released this national data analysis report investigating the prevalence of, and characteristics and dynamics that precede, an IPV homicide. A key finding was that of the 311 IPV homicides examined, there were at least 172 children under the age of 18 who survived the homicide involving one, or both, of their parents.

Australian country report – “Never waste a crisis”: Domestic and family violence policy and practice initiatives in response to COVID-19

COVID-19, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Prevention Strategies, Review

Australia’s Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and the University of Melbourne have released this Australian country report, one of four country reports as part of the DAHLIA-19 study, examining prevention strategies and responses to domestic and family violence during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic and up until June 2021. The study found evidence that policy and funding strategies resulted in increased collaboration and communication, more multiagency working, leveraging of existing relationships and more efficient decision-making processes.

Debt, duress and dob-ins: Centrelink compliance processes and domestic violence

Domestic Violence, Economic Wellbeing, Report

Economic Justice Australia has released this report investigating the relationship between domestic violence and Centrelink compliance and debt mechanisms, and the impacts of these mechanisms on domestic violence victims/survivors. A key finding was that Centrelink compliance processes are sometimes used by perpetrators as a tool of violence. The report makes 27 recommendations.

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