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Care criminalisation of children with disability in child protection systems

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), disability

The Royal Commission's research report examines the pathways of children with disability in child protection into the criminal justice system. It covers risk and protective factors, policy effectiveness, barriers to evidence-based practice, and the experiences of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Aboriginal children. The report is relevant for practitioners working with children with disability and highlights areas for improvement.

Child protection contact among children of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds: A South Australian linked data study

children and young people, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), health and wellbeing

This Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health study provides valuable insights for practitioners in child and family services. It examines child protection contact among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) children in South Australia and reveals a higher likelihood compared to non-CALD children. Practitioners can benefit from this research as it emphasises the importance of targeting support within the child protection system to address the specific challenges that CALD children and their families face.

Supporting all children to thrive: The importance of equity in early childhood education

child development, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), education

The Front Project has released this report analysing Australian Early Development Census data to examine the locations and circumstances of children assessed as developmentally vulnerable in 2021. The study details many results as well as proposes a range of policy interventions to address issues found.

Guide – How to be inclusive

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), disability, LGBTQIA+

A short guide prepared by co-designers for YFS2020 Sneha Challa and Tadc Williamson-Lee demonstrating inclusive language during presentations and public speaking

OPEN Rapid Case Study-Service Integration Program-Jewish Care

culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), families and parenting, family violence, safety and wellbeing

This rapid case study showcases the work of the Service Coordination Program at Jewish Care, an ethno-specific organisation. The program uses culturally aware and trauma-informed support to cater to the diverse needs Jewish community members (generally under 65 years old) experiencing social and/or structural disadvantage.

Rapid Case Study: Youth Leadership Program – Centre for Multicultural Youth

client engagement, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), mental health, young people

This case study sheds a light on the Youth Leadership Program Area at Centre for Multicultural Youth. It talks about principles and values which respect the views and abilities of young people from diverse backgrounds, and has transferable lessons for all kinds of youth participation models.

OPEN Rapid Case Study: Early Years Program-Brotherhood of St Laurence

client engagement, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), early years, families and parenting, safety and wellbeing

This case study sheds light on a early years program which takes a culturally responsive approach to work with families from refugee and migrant backgrounds. It focuses on building connections and providing confidence to parents to support their children.

OPEN Event Review – Unpacking the Invisible: examining domestic and family violence in culturally diverse communities

culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), family violence

This event review, completed by OPEN, highlights the key insights from this event hosted by Settlement Services International (SSI) in November 2020. It featured a panel discussion on unpacking the invisible struggles of domestic violence victims within our migrant and refugee communities. The panel was made up of preeminent representatives and advocates and identified areas of persistent concern which have been further exacerbated by COVID.

Prevention of violence against women and safer pathways to services for migrant and refugee communities

culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), family violence

This report from ANROWS covers research insights from the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Projects with Action Research (CALD PAR) initiative. In determining 'what works', researchers found that an intersectional and culturally safe approach to prevention and safer pathways work empowers CALD groups and individuals. This approach centres their voices and brings together communities and services to reduce violence.

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