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Core components of public health approaches to preventing child abuse and neglect

Abuse, Child Abuse, Child maltreatment, Intervention programs, Safety and wellbeing, Young People

This chapter is part of a larger work on child maltreatment and takes a prevention-focused approach to child abuse and neglect by drawing on lessons from the public health sector. The authors argue that a public health approach can help refocus attention on the structural forces affecting families and improving safety and wellbeing outcomes for children.

Intervention programme for fathers who use domestic and family violence: Results from an evaluation of Caring Dads

Child Abuse, Family Violence, Intimate partner violence, Program Evaluation

This article, published in Child & Family Social Work, presents the findings of an evaluation of Caring Dads, a Men’s Behaviour Change Program trialled in two Australian locations. Many positive results were found and are detailed in the report.

Tensions in the therapeutic relationship: Emotional labour in the response to child abuse and neglect in primary healthcare

Case Study, Child Abuse, Healthcare, Journal article

This study, published in BMC Primary Care, sought to understand how GPs and nurses experience the response to child abuse in primary healthcare. The study found that mandatory reporting obligations created significant emotional labour at the internal, organisational and systemic levels as participants struggled to maintain the therapeutic relationship. The article concludes with strategies that can be employed to reduce the labour burden, which can also be applied by other workforces with mandatory reporting obligations.

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