Supporting evidence-informed decision making to improve outcomes for children, young people, carers, and families

The Menu has been underpinned by a systematic review of evidence and has identified 45 programs that are effective across the areas of child maltreatment; family preservation and reunification.

The Menu portal allows you to navigate these programs in these areas by what is relevant to you, including the outcomes you are working to achieve, who you work with and the context.

It includes information on the strength of evidence, cost and implementation considerations and whether programs have been evaluated with Aboriginal children, young people, carers, and families.

This information, in addition to Aboriginal knowledge and client voice, is critical to support decision-making to deliver high-quality, safe, and effective services.

The Menu is a Roadmap for Reform initiative and is complementary to other flagship projects including the Outcomes, Practice and Evidence Network (OPEN), delivered by the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.

Learn more with this Menu of Evidence Factsheet

To explore the portal, visit the Menu of Evidence website.

If you have any questions, please email the Evidence Strategy team at

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