Overview of the Family Violence and Sexual Violence Project

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, No to Violence, Safe and Equal and Sexual Assault Services Victoria are four Victorian peak bodies working together to support their respective workforces to build and use evidence from research, evaluation, practice expertise and lived experience to deliver high quality services and better outcomes for their clients. 

This Knowledge Hub is a collaborative platform for our joint workforces, family violence and sexual violence researchers and policymakers. It supports sharing of expertise, building a shared language and fostering collaboration to better support individuals, children, young people and families who have experienced family violence or sexual violence. 

The Family Violence and Sexual Violence Knolwedge Hub is funded by the Commonwealth Government through the National Partnership Agreement and by the Victorian Government.

Family Violence and Sexual Violence Evidence Framework

As part of this collaboration, the four peak bodies have developed an Evidence Framework to guide the work of our respective sectors and to ensure we collectively capture accurate information to inform policy and advocacy, workforce development, programs, practice and projects.

This Evidence Framework serves as a comprehensive guide to build a shared understanding of evidence across the four peaks, supporting the effective use, collection, and creation of evidence relevant to our sectors.

By integrating diverse perspectives—from those with lived experiences of our services and systems, to insights from frontline practice, cutting-edge research, and program evaluations—we aim to drive meaningful change. This framework supports us to improve outcomes for victim-survivors of family and sexual violence, including children and young people, ensuring our efforts are grounded in knowledge and compassion.

The information shared through this Knowledge Hub is not intended to be exhaustive, and it is recommended that you contact the relevant peak body if you would like more information about family violence, sexual violence and/or working with children and families in this context.

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Victoria’s peak body for Child and Family Services.

Safe and Equal

The peak body for Victorian organisations that specilaise in family violence and gender-based violence acrosss the continuum.


Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SASVic) the peak body for sexual assault and harmful sexual behaviour services in Victoria.

No to Violence

The national peak body representing organisations and individuals who work with men to end family violence.

What do we mean by family violence and sexual violence?

Can I contribute to the Family Violence Sexual Violence Knowledge Hub?

We will continue to expand the content on the Family Violence Sexual Violence Knowledge Hub, regularly updating and adding new materials. We welcome contributions that focus on supporting the best outcomes for adults, children, young people and families, including those from marginalised communities who experience intersecting barriers to accessing support. These can be key research, program reports, practice resources, case studies, webinars or opportunities related to training. If you have content you would like to share through the Family Violence Sexual Violence Knowledge Hub, email open@cfecfw.asn.au

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing family violence or sexual violence, you can contact:

  • 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
  • Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1800 806 272

Please note that the information provided on this Family Violence Sexual Violence Knowledge Hub is curated to be the most recent and relevant available. The content is continually being developed and will be regularly updated to reflect the latest insights and best practices. While we strive to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of the information, we encourage users to check back frequently for new and refreshed materials.

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