The Evaluate phase means undertaking systematic evaluation that builds on the monitoring data collected during implementation.
Use your Theory of Change to guide the development of your evaluation questions, decisions about purpose and audience and choice of evaluation approach.
Develop an evaluation framework and plan
Good evaluations can generate reliable and useful information for practice and program decision making. Decisions regarding evaluation design influence the quality of the evidence and the recommendations you can make. Better Evaluation provides information on a range of different approaches and The Menu Technical Specifications details different study designs for generating evidence of impact.
To decide which evaluation approach suits your aims, first clarify the purpose and audience for the evaluation. Consider whether to conduct the process internally or commission an external agency, such as a university or expert consultant. An external or ‘independent’ evaluation can reduce – but not eliminate – bias or self-interest.
Once these decisions are made, a framework and plan is developed to guide the process of inquiry which includes ethics, methodology for data collection and analysis, and strategies for learning and dissemination of evidence.
Resources, expertise and organisational values are important factors to consider throughout an evaluation; it must be ethical, culturally safe and respectful for the people who participate and achievable within your organisation’s resources and capacity.
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